PARIS – June 7, 2023 – BlueMind, a European leader in open-source enterprise collaborative messaging, and Scality, a global leader in reliable, secure and sustainable data storage software, announced today their official partnership to offer an object storage solution for enterprise email that can scale. Storing a single email may only occupy a few kilobytes of space on a hard disk drive but the increasing and widespread use of messaging and the management of very large numbers of users require significant and growing storage space. As a result, the total emails stored by a BlueMind platform can require several hundred terabytes of data storage! Managing this storage space presents real challenges for the IT infrastructure, in addition to the issues of maintenance and backup.

The latest major version of BlueMind already made it possible to take advantage of object storage to manage very large volumes of e-mails via Software-Defined Storage (SDS). The upcoming major version of BlueMind, currently undergoing validation, will offer a native design and management of object storage. The scale-out functionality of Scality RING, means BlueMind can help customers manage petabytes of emails with a reliable, software-defined solution. Now customers have limitless flexibility and growth. Organizations can now store messaging in a highly protected environment that consolidates and reduces capacity requirements up to 40%.

The BlueMind-Scality integrated solution is now available in France and across Europe. Interested companies can contact the BlueMind team to find out more.

“The messaging domain is uncompromising in terms of performance and volumes. We are delighted to work with Scality to offer the best in storage for BlueMind messaging. This collaboration allows us to offer a robust, scalable storage solution, in line with the challenges of digital sovereignty that drive us, while offering a fluid and intuitive user experience.”

Pierre Baudracco

CEO of BlueMind

“Working with BlueMind allows us to offer a high-performance, secure, cost-effective messaging solution for businesses and public institutions. Collaboration tools are essential for the competitiveness of companies and the efficiency of public services. With BlueMind and Scality, each organization can now benefit from world-renowned European technologies to keep data secure and sovereign.”

Jerome Lecat

CEO of Scality

About BlueMind

BlueMind is a European and sovereign solution for enterprise collaborative email. BlueMind offers all collaborative features, including email, calendar, contacts, video conferencing, tasks, drive, and more, within an open-source solution designed with user satisfaction in mind. As email is the most widely used tool in daily professional life, we enable companies to break free from the grip of giants like Microsoft 365 or Gmail. Being the only solution on the market that is natively compatible with Outlook and supports Thunderbird enhanced with collaboration features, as well as mobile devices, BlueMind finally makes digital sovereignty compatible with user habits. In 2023, BlueMind is among the selected French companies in the “Cloud Collaborative Office Suites” call for projects by “France 2030”, aiming to accelerate the scaling of French players in the field of collaborative office suites. For more information, please visit

Über Scality

Mit Scality® können Unternehmen ihr Datenmanagement vereinheitlichen, egal wo sich die Daten befinden – von Edge über Core-Umgebungen bis zur Cloud. Unsere marktführende File- und Object Storage-Software wurde entwickelt, um Daten On-Premise sowie in Hybrid- und Multi-Cloud-Umgebungen jederzeit verfügbar bereitzustellen. Der moderne Ansatz von Scality RING und ARTESCA zur Verwaltung von Daten im gesamten Unternehmen beschleunigt Business Insights für fundierte Entscheidungen ohne Einschränkungen. Um in einer datengetriebenen Welt wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben, setzen IT- Entscheider und Anwendungsentwickler auf langfristige Investitionen in Scality zum Aufbau zukunftsweisender und anpassungsfähiger Lösungen. Scality ist seit Jahren anerkannter Martkführer durch Gartner sowie durch IDC. Folgen Sie  uns auf @scality und LinkedIn. Besuchen Sie uns: und auf unserem  blog.

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