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Explore Scality support & services offerings

Scality support & services ensure that customers have the tools and resources they need for successful Scality product implementations.

Read on for information about standard support & services, plus Scale Care Services — the crown jewel in Scality’s customer services suite — which offers three additional service levels to guarantee always-on availability for petabyte-scale cloud storage.
Contact the Scality support & services team

Scality’s support & services team is made up of highly qualified, experienced technical experts who are trained to help customers with their most challenging projects.

Need assistance? Submit a support request.

For production outages, please call the emergency number for your country/region:

Australia and APAC: +61 1300 954 703
France: +33 1 84 88 55 70
Germany: +49 800-183-0547
Japan: +81 034-588-1408
Spain: +34 518-890-048
UK & international: +44 2033-181-073
USA toll-free: +1 800-319-7090
United Arab Emirates: +971 600 522153

Support and maintenance services

Services may be applied whenever required during an engagement with us: evaluation/feasibility, installation, training and certification, production/expansion, and support.


During the roll-out of RING, the Scality support & services team assists with installation. We offer standard installation as well as custom scope of work (SOW) options to ensure successful integration and deployment.

For SOW projects, Scality and the customer will agree on and document the specific scope of the project, success criteria and Scality’s commitment.

Capacity expansion

When it’s time to add storage, RING requires no data migration or new installation. A Scality engineer will be designated to analyze, recommend, document, validate, plan and execute an extension.

Training and certification

Scality offers standard product training, advanced operations training, and the Scality Certified Program.


  • The standard RING installation package includes standard product training.
  • Advanced Operations Training is a 3-day class that gives attendees a deeper understanding of Scality RING.  Focusing on RING management and protocols as well as failure management and maintenance procedures, this interactive class offers hands-on exercises to help the student become a RING operations expert.
  • Scality University is a live, 3-day virtual training event offered multiple times per year at no cost to Scality customers and partners.  With a new agenda for each event and sessions available on-demand in the Customer Center, it’s unique opportunity to learn directly from key members of our product management, technical services and engineering teams.
  • Pre-Sales Ambassador and Sales Champion trainings are free, self-paced online courses for Scality partners.
  • The Scality Technical Certification Program is a framework that provides our partners with the foundation and education necessary to install, configure, and manage Scality RING as well as increase customer satisfaction through tailored and personalized support.
Standard support
  • 24×7 phone support for Priority 1 issues
  • Scality Service Ticket System or instant messaging during normal business hours for priority 2 and 3 issues
Response times:
  • Priority 1 issues response within fifteen (15) minutes
  • Priority 2 issues within four (4) hours
  • Priority 3 issues within three (3) business days
  • A level 1 global support technician to take charge of the issue
Scality Cloud Monitor:
  • 24/7 remote monitoring
  • Predictive analytics
  • Capacity planning
  • Customizable dashboards
  • Proactive alarms
Scale Care Services
3 premium service levels beyond standard support

Beyond standard support, Scality offers guaranteed service levels that provide a best-in-class experience while helping customers realize the full value of their investment.

Scality Scale Care Services provide premium deliverables centered around measurable business outcomes, such as proactive reporting, integrated services for upgrades and expansions, and critical operational services to ensure Scality performs optimally within your environment.

Support Documentation

Full Scality product documentation database

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Scality Business Scale Care vs. Enterprise Scale Care

Scality Business Scale Care
Scality Enterprise Scale Care
RING Upgrade Upgrading all nodes of the RING cluster to new version, based on a documented, site-specific procedure
RING Connectors Addition of connectors for same use case
RING Expansion Adding new disks or nodes to the RING cluster for extra capacity or performance
Lab/Test Software license, installation, configuration and setup of lab/test environment (for same use case)
Professional Services Allowance of 5 PS days
Training Annual Advanced Operations Training (AOT)
Meetings Weekly stand-up with ticket and system review
Quarterly checkpoint
Annual workshop
Reporting Status report, quarterly: standard metrics, ticket review, healthcheck
Customized status report, quarterly: standard and customized metrics,  ticket review, healthcheck, review of relevant tech bulletins, assessment  and planning of change operations, operational recommendations
Dashboard Core set of metrics
Core set of metrics + customized Grafana dashboards based on use case
Notifications Standard on Supervisor and Cloud Monitor
Customizable, on Supervisor, Cloud Monitor and alerts by mail, Slack
Proactivity and
Tickets opened by Scality and proactive call to Customer for P1 prevention
Tickets opened by Scality and proactive call to Customer (all issues)
Proactive detection of potential P1 with immediate escalation
Call Home (automatic notification to Scality, Scality opens ticket)
Direct communication via dedicated Slack channel
Designated email contact
Business hours scheduled operations
Priorities and SLAs Durability and 100% Availability SLAs
Response Times P1 15 mins 15 mins
P2 4 hours 4 hours
P3 2 b days 1 b day
Service Request 3 b days 1 b day
Lab/Test Support n/a 3 b days
Restoration Times P1 2 hours 2 hours
P2 3 b days 3 b days
P3 n/a n/a
Service Request Prioritized Prioritized
Lab/Test Support n/a n/a
Contacts Support Team
Designated Customer Solution Engineers
Access to Scality experts for consulting purposes
Product Roadmap Annual Presentation
Ecosystem Troubleshooting and cooperation with third parties (ISVs & OEMs)

Scality Secure Site Care (custom services)

Scality Secure Site Care
RING Upgrade

Upgrading all nodes of the RING cluster to new version,

based on a documented, site-specific procedure

RING Connectors Addition of connectors for same use case
RING Expansion Adding new disks or nodes to the RING cluster for extra capacity or performance
Lab/Test Software license, installation, configuration and setup of lab/test environment (for same use case)
Training Annual Advanced Operations Training (AOT)
Meetings Weekly stand-up with ticket and system review
Quarterly checkpoint
Annual workshop
Reporting Custom scope and cadence: standard and customized metrics, ticket review, healthcheck, review of relevant tech bulletins, assessment and planning of change operations, operational recommendations
Dashboard Core set of metrics + customized Grafana dashboards based on use-case
Notifications Standard on Supervisor
Communication w/ Scality Direct communication via dedicated Slack channel
Designated email contact
Business hours scheduled operations
Onsite presence – planned and/or ad-hoc
Priorities and SLAs
Response Times P1 15 mins
P2 4 hours
P3 1 b day
Service Request 1 b day
Restoration Times P1 2 hours
P2 3 b days
P3 n/a
Service Request n/a
Lab/Test Support n/a
Contacts Designated Customer Solution Engineers
Access to Scality Experts for consulting purposes
Product Roadmap Annual Presentation
Ecosystem Troubleshooting and cooperation with third parties (ISVs & OEMs)